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Our Catchment

Unlocking a new way of understanding place and space.

This project is funded by Defra as part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes which is managed by the Environment Agency. The programmes will drive innovation in flood and coastal resilience and adaptation to a changing climate.

Privacy Policy:

This privacy policy explains how we use the personal data collected from you when you use Our Catchment app published by Animorph Ltd.

What data do we collect?
We currently do not store any user data.
How do we collect your data?
We currently do not store any user data.
How will we use your data?
We currently do not store any user data.
How do we store your data?
We currently do not store any user data.

Your data protection rights
Animorph Ltd would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:
The right to access
You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.
The right to rectification
You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request us to complete the information you believe is incomplete.
The right to erasure
You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions.
The right to restrict processing
You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
The right to object to processing
You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
The right to data portability
You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

How to contact us
If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please write to us via email:

How to contact the appropriate authority
Should you wish to report a complaint or if you feel that we have not addressed your concern in a satisfactory manner, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Live chat:
Information Commissioner's Office,
Office Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

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